Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Reason #14 why going to church this Sunday is the best plan: YOU WILL PRAISE GOD IN SONG.  And those songs will lift you up!  God commands us to sing praise songs to Him.  Why?  Because He knows it will encourage our hearts.  Humans are created to worship.  We praise things every day.  We praise our favorite TV shows, our favorite sports teams, our favorite restaurants.  We praise movie stars and athletes and authors.  We are creatures of praise.  God created us that way.  But most of all, He created us to praise HIM.  Psalm 96:1-2 commands this…  “Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.”  We are commanded to sing.  Did you ever think about that?  Why would God command us to sing?  He knows that there is something inside of us that wants to sing praises;  and the greatest object of our praise ought always to be Almighty God.  Plus, God knows that it will encourage our spirits when we do.  Usually in church I feel like singing, but every once in a while I don’t feel like it, so I just listen.  And when I just listen, I’m still encouraged.  I hear the voices around me and I am reminded of how awesome God is.  Psalm 68:4 states…  “Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Lift up a song for Him.”

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